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Open to new collabs with groups
Here is some inspiration if you want to start group orders. Please contact us to appear on the list, or to have help with starting a group.
- France Fromage : cheeses from small-scale farms in France
- Gröna Gårdar : meat from sustainable farms near Göteborg
- @ekobonden : KRAV vegetables and meat
- Hempster : raw vegan shakes made in Värmdö
- Stockholm tea project : a collection of small-scale, sustainable teas around the world
- France Fromage : cheeses from small-scale farms in France
- Gröna Gårdar : meat from sustainable farms near Göteborg
- Lundgrens : fruit and vegetables from Ryftes Grönsaker, Gällenäs Grönsaker and more
- Hempster : raw vegan shakes made in Värmdö
- Stockholm tea project : a collection of small-scale, sustainable teas around the world

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